EYH has been offering investment services for pension assets since 1986.
As a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA), we act as a co-fiduciary on your plan. That means EYH does not receive compensation from the pension plan provider or from the mutual funds in the Plan. We will help you find the plan provider and services that are the best fit for you, our client.
These are some of the services we provide:
Mutual Fund selection for your Plan based on
- Best Performance
- Lowest Cost
- Broad range of mutual funds for optimal diversification
Monitor your Plan Performance
- Recommendations for mutual fund removal and replacements
- Meetings with the Investment Committee
- Reports to ensure mutual funds are within IPS guidelines
Education for your Participants
- We help participants establish the right mix of investments
- Annual face-to-face meetings with participants
- Participants can call or email an Investment Advisor for assistance
Fiduciary Protection for you
- Establish an Investment Policy Statement (IPS) for your Plan
- Benchmark your current 401(k) plan to others in the industry
- Ongoing monitoring of the performance of your Plan per IPS guidelines
- Reports & Meetings with your Investment Committee
If you have an existing 401(k) plan and would like a complimentary evaluation or more information, please contact: info@eyhadvisors.com